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I am very happy to work full time in providing important information to the public, despite the fact that this work comes with its own dangers, and means I have to work off-grid. Please help support my ongoing research -
Craig Paardekooper
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My intention is to continue with my work regardless of my circumstances. It is vital that doctors, nurses and members of the public have easy access to check relative batch toxicity, and it is vital that this information be kept up-to-date, so they can see current trends, and identify bad batches as they emerge, before they can cause too much harm.
Contribute Skills and Effort
If you are interested in offering your analytical abilities in supporting this effort, then please email me. covid.science@yahoo.com
People skilled in
are always welcome.
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Please share this app with as many people as you can on social media, or by email, or even by text. In doing so you will be raising awareness of vaccine variability, and promoting greater informed consent.