The All or Nothing Phenomena - Experimental vs Placebo Batches

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Batch codes appear to represent different levels of toxicity, suggesting that the batches have been labelled with batch codes for the purpose of distinguishing one toxic level from another.

Pfizer Batches

When Pfizer batch codes are arranged alpha-numerically along the x-axis, the following pattern appears -

Are some batches more toxic than others?

As you can see batches cluster alphanumerically into specific ranges of toxicity. And these ranges decrease linearly as one ascends the alphabet such that -

Whether this is deliberate or not is open to debate; it certainly looks deliberate - and it is the common practice of scientists to carefully label each experimental condition inorder to monitor and record the effects. It looks as if batches of varying toxicity have been carefully labelled and tested upon the public - producing different ranges of adverse reactions.

All or Nothing Phenomenon

In the graph above, take a look at the EN series in turquoise. You will see that there are a cluster of batches with 2000 to 3000 adverse reactions each - but beneath this cluster is a large empty gap, and finally there are a large number of EN batches very close to the x-axis.

On close examination we find that there are 12 batches in the 2000-3000 range. Then there are 678 batches in the 1-37 range - and nothing inbetween. Take a look at the data below for the EN series. The sudden drop from 2000 down to 37 is remarkable. This pattern of variation in toxicity does not look random, since if it was random we would expect a gradation with shades of toxicity between high and low.

The impression of non-randomness is reinforced by the observation that all of the batches in the 2000-3000 range have the following batch codes -

The batch codes are in a perfect mathematical series. It is as if these supertoxic batches were carefully labelled, so that their effects could be monitored and recorded. Here we have 12 batches - each producing 100 times the adverse reactions of the other batches - none of them were recalled by Pfizer - Pfizer allowed these batches to be deployed one after the other.

Are some batches more toxic than others?

Exactly the same phenomenon occurs with the EO, ER and EW series.

What can explain this all-or-nothing variation?

Perhaps the batches with low adverse reactions are the placebo/control group.

What % of the batches are placebo?

In the EN Series, there are a total of 690 different batch codes, of which 12 batches have adverse reactions over 2000, one batch has 720 adverse reactions and the remainder each have under 37 reactions. So the percentage with extreme toxicity is 13/690 = 1.9%.

If all batches are of equal size, then 1 in 50 chance of a shot being toxic.

If each person has two vaccine shots each year, then -

Of course, this assumes that the % of batches that are super-toxic remains constant at 2%. We will have to look at the other series - ER, EW etc - to see if they show a similar % that are toxic.

Here are the full list of EN batches as recorded in VAERS for the year 2021. I cleaned the list by converting all batch codes to upper case, removing all spaces, removing all batch codes with non-alphanumeric characters, and removing all misspellings. 690 correctly spelled and formatted batch codes remained. You can download the spreadsheet here - EN Series

Over the coming days I will repeat this analysis for each of the Pfizer series; perhaps new patterns will emerge